Painting, Acrylic

Sunday Drive acrylic on canvas 16” x 20”

Sunday Drive
acrylic on canvas
16” x 20”


City: West Bank, British Columbia



Artist Statement: Lynn enjoys photography as a favourite hobby. She has used a number of her photos for her paintings. She looks at things around her through an imaginary viewfinder, looking at different shapes and colours to varying landscapes as potential paintings. She especially enjoys painting landscapes, but not all her paintings are landscapes. She also enjoys painting abstracts. Lynn has learned that painting is a continuous learning activity. With each painting, she learns new things, like different techniques and mediums. Or the results that are brought about by using different colours and the effect of different colours and their shades. A number of Lynn's paintings incorporate the use of texture which gives another dimension altogether. Painting provides Lynn with a sense of focus as well as a sense of relaxation. And upon completing a painting, a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. She finds that there is nothing more satisfying, knowing that her paintings are being appreciated in people's homes.

Biography: Lynn started painting years ago with oils. Now she paints in acrylics. She was a stained glass artist for several years, selling commissioned work.