It's National Volunteer Week!


It's #NationalVolunteerWeek! We are so lucky here at the Penticton Art Gallery because we have the best volunteers in the city.

From shifts at the front desk to restocking the Gift Shop to crowd control at exhibition openings to tending the bar to folding Arts Letters to rearranging our Education Space to engaging Gallery members and visitors and everything in-between... We couldn't do anything without you here.

Since the pandemic started, we have seen a lot less of our event volunteers. Know that we miss you and that we can't wait to have you back at the Gallery soon!

We've put together a selection of images from 2019 when we were last able to gather: Annual Art Auction, Exhibition Openings, Soup Bowls Project, and Loving Mugs Project.

Are you interested in volunteering with us? Swing by the Gallery and have a chat with our Visitor Services Coordinator!


Robin Hodgson Instagram Takeover Highlights


Instagram Takeover with Robin Hodgson